Welcome to nickicraig.com and StoryPIX LLC

Illustrations, Visual notes &  Graphic Recording

 Artwork- commission yours!

Murals, sets and wall finishes

Since I was old enough to hold a pencil ( they kept the pens away from me!) I have loved to draw and paint and been fascinated by the power of an image to tell a story or capture a moment in time.


I was the child that was constantly reminded NOT to touch the paintings in the galleries and lucky to have parents that still would take me despite my propensity for doing so. If I am completely honest I still need that reminder more often than not!


Fast forwarding a lot of years you find me painting and illustrating personal, organizational and community stories, capturing information  and synthesizing complex concepts and ideas into approachable, memorable visuals. 


Digital and analog artwork, live content capture and visual notes, storytelling illustration and murals may seem quite a span but really it is all about allowing creative imagery to engage, enrich, record and inspire. 

Whatever your visual needs I look forward to collaborating with you bringing the value of curated imagery to your projects.

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© Nicki Craig- Visual Artist/Practitioner